Wednesday, May 11, 2005

TTC meeting today

I can’t make it to the TTC meeting this afternoon at which the Graydon Hall 122 Route temporary extension will be made permanent. Having been to a few of these affairs however I think I have a pretty good idea of how it will play out. I hope I am wrong but I think it will go down something like this:

 Long boring meeting with councillors droning on seemingly forever about some arcane minutia.

 Gaggle of Extension supporters huddle together nervously folding and unfolding their little signs.

 THE ITEM is announced! The gaggle wave their signs and are admonished by the chair.

 Deputations are requested and some poor soul speaks in opposition to the Extension, much booing ensues, the Gaggle is admonished again.

 Howard leans into the microphone and in his best AW Shucks, good old boy, Howard knows best voice tells everyone yet again the Marlee bus route legend as if it really related to anything today. Howard, you need a new shtick, everyone has heard this one ad nauseum.

 The Gaggle senses blood in the water, they murmur, signs are tentatively raised, the chair restores decorum.

 A few more deputations are heard, the weasel kisses butt and it’s all she wrote, enjoy your bus.


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