Thursday, May 12, 2005

Toronto Transit Commission Report # 33

The TTC Report #33 distributed at the Monday May 9 meeting at Fenside school tells us that approximately 650 customer-trips are made each day on the new service.

“Of these 650 customer-trips each day, approximately 500 customer trips (410 in the peak periods, and 90 in the midday) are made to and from stops that are beyond 400 metres of alternate transit service.”

The TTC assumes, and I agree, that riders boarding a bus in the Morning peak period will return in the Afternoon peak period. It seems reasonable then that counting ridership in the Morning peak period and doubling it for a daily total is acceptable. My observations over 6 months show that approximately 10% of the morning peak period ridership leaves the area between 6:15 and 7:00 A.M, the remaining 90% leaves between 7:00 and 9:00 A.M.

Vehicles entering and leaving the area between Peak periods typically carry from 0 to 3 or 4 Riders.

An arbitrary breakdown of the TTC’s claimed 650 daily Riders may look like this:

Morning Peak period---250
Afternoon Peak period-250

If this distribution of Ridership is substantially incorrect please advise me and I will adjust it.

Eastbound traffic in the Morning Peak Period is pretty stable, 25-30 students to Donview Heights M.S. 2 students to Crestview ( a private school south of York Mills Road), maybe 10 adults and children bound for the daycare at Fenside Public school and 1 crossing guard, there is no where else to go.

I decided to have a look at the situation this morning concentrating on westbound traffic only from 7:00 -9:00 A.M. expecting to see about 180 (250-40=210, 90% of which is 189) Riders boarding the buses. I counted 67, that is sixty seven, Riders boarding the bus!

Must be something wrong here, I will go out and count again tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This explains the dozens of empty buses passing my home every week day.

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see our tax dollars at work. 25.00 bucks an hour to drive an empty bus, ...nice gig if you can get it. Remember that next contract time and these guys want even more, to do less.

5:09 PM  

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