Monday, May 23, 2005

Some more odd numbers

Some more figures to ponder from the TTC website.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work Don! Although James Bow may not like to admit it, I think you're doing a excellent job here. I support transit and do believe the TTC is a great system, but I also believe that they have become sloopy in recent years. Too many people blindly defend the TTC even when they do make mistakes, and it's gonna take a person like you to keep them on their toes. This is in the best intrest of all people in Toronto, and hopefully more people will read your block and demand an explanation between actual ridership and reported ridership.

I'm a metropass carrying TTC user (since I don't own a car), and it bugs me that some suburban route such as the 122 Graydon Hall is having its numbers inflated and given priority over downtown routes which can produce much more riders per dollar and have higher fare-recovery ratios.

Please don't get discouraged by overly zealous individuals who blindly defend the TTC whenever any hint of inefficienty is suggested. Continue the excellent work, and perhaps one day soon the TTC will admit and correct its mistakes.

11:35 AM  

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