Tuesday, September 06, 2005

How was your summer?

How was your summer?
Mine was great, thanks for asking. I am back on the job with a few interesting observations and examples of your tax dollar being mishandled here in Toronto.
My doctor advised me to get some exercise every day so I have been walking the neighbourhood every morning and occasionally walking to the store instead of driving. Guess what, often there are more people walking around than there are people on the bus.

My walkabouts have convinced me that the TTC really has no control over the people driving the 122 Graydon Hall route. The drivers still park with their engines running all over the place and I have observed and reported a driver driving with one hand on the wheel and the other holding a cell phone. Twice.

I will likely do another ridership count this week, stay tuned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad, TTC really has no control over any over their routes or what if anything any of their operators are doing, or more accurately NOT doing.

5:12 PM  

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